TO BOOK ONE OF OUR FOOD TASTING WITH WINE PAIRING EXPERIENCES, CLICK HERE Wine proverbs, aphorisms, cites, and phrases. The origin of wine is lost in the mists of time; traces of its production can be found on some ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and Mesopotamian bas-reliefs. Many Latin and Greek phrases, quotes, aphorisms, Farsi, and maxims are dedicated to wine. Wine is such an essential and popular drink that it was protected by the Roman God, Bacchus, the God of wine, who was Dionysus for the Greeks. The ancient Romans considered wine a medicine to heal the body and the mind and used it as the main drink during banquets. The wine was consumed, depending on taste or season, diluted with water and, depending on the season, with spices, honey, and other ingredients that make this drink suitable for both men and women. Rome Private Food Tasting Wine proverbs, aphorisms, cites, and phrases! Proverbs, aphorisms, cites, and phrases about wine! Vinum bonum laetificat cor hominis. Good wine makes good blood. Aes formae speculum est, vinum mentis. Bronze is the mirror of the person; wine is the mirror of the mind. Vinum Vita Est. Life is in wine. (Petronius Arbiter) Dum vinum intrat, exit sapientia. As the wine enters, common sense exits. Vina dant animos. Wines give courage. (Publius Ovidius Nasone) Laudato vino non opus est hedera. Where you drink good wine, you don’t need a sign. Praesumitur bonus de bono genre natus. The barrel gives the wine it contains. Vino salable suspensa hedera nihil opus / Vino salable suspensa hedera non est opus. Good wine doesn’t need a sign. Vinum animi speculum. Wine is the mirror of the soul. Si tibi serotina noceat potatio, vina hora matutina rebibas. If drinking in the evening harms you, drink in the morning and you will be healed. (Salerno medical school) Vina probantur smell, flavor, clarity, heat. Si bona vina cupis, haec quinque probantur in illis: fortia, formosa, fragrantia, frigida, frisca. They make the wine’s flavour, clarity, smell and color evident. If you desire to know good wine, five things will call to you: both shapely, fragrant, strong, fresh and sparkling. (Salerno medical school) Salvia, sal, vinum, piper, allia, petroselinum: ex his fit salsa, nisi sit commixtio falsi. Garlic, salt and fine pepper, salt, parsley and good wine, if the mixture is not distorted, always make a good sauce. (Salerno medical school) Bibamus et gaudeamus dum iuvenes sumus, nam late senectus venit, et post eam mors, post mortem nihil. Let us drink and enjoy while we are young, for soon comes old age, and after that death, and after death nothingness. (Medieval Song) Sum ergo bibo; bibo ergo sum. I am, therefore I drink; I drink, therefore I am. TO BOOK ONE OF OUR FOOD TASTING WITH WINE PAIRING EXPERIENCES, CLICK HERE There are many wine proverbs, aphorisms, cites, and phrases Inter prandendum sit saepe parumque bibentum. While eating, drink little and often. (Salerno medical school) Vina bibant hominis, animantia cetera fontis. Men drink wine, other animals drink it from sources. (Salerno medical school) Vinum spumosum, nisi defluat est vitiosum. The wine is bad if the foam doesn’t go away immediately. (Salerno medical school) Ut vives poenam de potibus incipe coenam. To live away from ailments, start with good drinks at your meals. (Salerno medical school) Sitis licita, etiam potio licita. It is permissible to be thirsty, therefore drinking is also permissible. Inter pocula silet negotia. Business is silent between the glasses. Deficient wine, omni deficit. If the wine is missing, everything is missing. Bibere humanum est, ergo bibamus. Drinking is a human thing, so let’s drink. Ave color vini clari, ave sapor sine pari. Health or wine with a transparent color, health or wine with an unparalleled flavor. Primum gotum bibe totum; ad secundum – vide fundum; erit tertium sicut primum, et sic semper bibe vinum. The first glass deflects everything, the second you see the bottom; do with the third as with the first, and so always drink the wine. Vinum bonum laetificat cor hominis. Good wine makes good blood. Drinks brothers, drinks, ne diabulus vos otiosas inveniat. Drink, brothers, drink, so that the devil does not catch you in idleness. (Brother Gaudenzio) Nulla pleasurere diu nec vivere carmina possunt quae scribuntur acquae potoribus. The verses written by water drinkers cannot please or last long. (Quinto Orazio Flacco) Potus aquae sumtus fit edendi valde nocivus. Drinking too much water at the table is harmful. (Salerno medical school) Gignit et humores melius vinum meliores. From the best wine comes better moods. (Salerno medical school) Good drink here, good sleep; sleep well here, don’t sin; qui non peccat vadit in caelum. Ergo, qui bene bibit vadit in caelum. He who drinks well, sleeps well; he who sleeps well does not sin; he who does not sin goes to heaven. So whoever drinks well goes to heaven. Vinum opus dei, ebrietas opus diabuli. Wine is the work of God, drunkenness is the work of the devil. (Saint John Chrysostom) Vinum etiam senes adducit ut saltent vel nolentes. Wine makes the elderly dance even in spite of themselves. (University) Nunc est bibendum, nuc pede libero pulsanda tellus. Now we must drink, now we must make the earth resonate with free foot. (Quinto Orazio Flacco) Salable wine suspensa hedera non opus est. Good wine doesn’t want branches. (Lucius Junius Moderate Columella) Vina parant animos faciuntque caloribos aptos. Wines prepare the soul and make them open to passion. (Publius Ovidius Nasone) Bibamus papaliter. Let’s drink from dad. (Pope Benedict II) “The beauty of wine is that, for two hours, your problems belong to others.” Pedro Ruiz “Those who only drink water have a secret to hide.” Charles Baudelaire “Great is the fortune of he who owns a good bottle, a good book, a good friend.” Moliere “Wine is like incarnation: it is both divine and human.” Paul Tillich “We are all mortal until the first kiss and the second glass of wine.” Eduardo Hughes Galeano “The soft sound
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